ABCs of Life

Synitta Walker Delano
3 min readJan 16, 2017

A is for adventure.
Committing to keeping a sense of adventure throughout life contributes to feeling and being more alive.

B is for blame.
The need to blame is not necessary when we hold ourselves accountable.

C is for commentary.
There is a need for depth in commentary because only sticking to the surface of things leaves no room for true understanding.

D is for duality.
The nature of humanity relies on the duality that we all possess.

E is for energy.
Every human is made up of unique and uniformed energy.

F is for failure.
The failure we have in life can inspire us to be greater.

G is for grateful.
May our entitlement and privilege not block our ability to be grateful.

H is for humility.
We are told to express humility but we forget that it isn’t meant to shroud us in societal facades.

I is for intelligence.
It is easy to forget that there are different types of intelligence. May we learn as many forms as possible.

J is for justice.
Our sense of justice might become warped by living with the familiar but our compassion and kindness will always help us seek out what it really means.

K is for kindness.
Being a little less terrible everyday will keep our displays of kindness in the front of our minds.

L is for love.
We were born with the capacity to love, regardless of the selfishness we experience and express.

M is for manageable.
Anything in life is manageable with the right tools.

N is for narcissistic.
The narcissistic act of only seeing things as it pertains to us is more of a disease than we acknowledge. Remembering that we are all connected fights against this every day.

O is for open.
There are so many things that seem closed to us but by choosing to be open, the universe can reveal everything we need to know, when we need to know it.

P is for pensive.
Our brains were made to be pensive and it’s a gift we don’t take advantage of enough.

Q is for quintessential.
May we never get so engrossed in the quintessential definitions of who we should be that we forget who we are.

R is for rectitude.
We humans rely on other things/people to give us rectitude when we already have an inner compass to straighten us out. The Golden and Platinum rule is always worth remembering.

S is for synergy.
Knowing that a sum of all parts, equals a whole is recognizing synergy. Be mindful of how this works.

T is for tempest.
Sometimes we must be the tempest that effects change.

U is for united.
We know that united we stand, divided we fall but may our hearts be moved to act in true unity, not being doggedly determined to make everyone see things our way.

V is for victory.
It is my hope to see victory in my lifetime but if I should pass before my eyes gaze on a vast accomplishment, it is my hope that I’ve done enough planting that victory will come later for our children.

W is for willing.
We never have to wait on anyone else to start something for us to engage. All it requires is that we be willing…and to act on our willingness.

Y is for youth.
Time isn’t wasted on youth but being an adult who’s lost their sense of adventure, innovation, and wonder will lead us to believe just about anything.


Z is for zealous.
Passion is often mistaken for anger by those who have let their spark for life dull or die. To be zealous is to inspire others to live aloud.



Synitta Walker Delano

Smoldering fire breather. Unicorn. Wordslayer. Beauty and Booty lover. Director of dope shit. Eclectic. Creative. The picture you just painted.